Independence City Councilor
Position #4
Vibrant Local Economy
I’m a strong advocate for supporting our local business owners and providing pathways for people to start, grow, and sustain a business in our community. Access to good jobs in our community will help make sure we have economic vitality, are more resilient, and keep talent here in our community.
My work with Indy Commons and Indy Idea Hub focuses on building a strong economic network for Independence and Polk County.
A Livable Community
We live in a unique community with a charming historic downtown centrally located in a vibrant agricultural landscape with direct access to the Willamette River. As our community grows, we need to seek ways to balance growth while maintaining our friendly, hometown feeling, unique history, and rural roots.
I have 25 years of experience as a landscape architect and planner focused on public projects addressing community livability issues.
Inclusive and Involved Citizens
We have a diverse and engaged community and need to make sure our citizens are represented in local government, civic organizations, and community activities. Engaged and involved citizens give back to their communities and help develop and sustain a culture of caring and inclusion.
My work on public projects frequently involves building community engagement and programs that represent a diversity of citizens.
Q & As
Polk County Itemizer-Observer
What are your top three priorities for Independence?
Our top priority is to address our growth by understanding our housing needs, pressures on our transportation and infrastructure systems, and to address needs for parks and recreation. The second area is supporting local business and providing pathways for people to start, grow, and sustain a business in our community. Lastly, we need to have a diverse and engaged community where our citizens are represented in local government, civic organizations, and community activities.
What is the City Councilor's role in accomplishing these goals?
I think it’s critical for a City Councilor to understand how cities function and public policy works. We need to understand the policies we currently operate with, how to implement them, and where they are preempted by the state. We can then work with citizens, city officials, the business community, and other government entities to understand if we are meeting the needs of our community and adjust our policies as needed to achieve desired results.
Why are you running for city council and why are you the right person for the position?
I am an experienced leader dedicated to creating livable and sustainable communities, which allows me to use my business, landscape architecture, planning, and natural resource background. I’m passionate about livability issues such as developing thriving main streets, building an entrepreneurial ecosystem, placemaking, parks and recreation, and natural resource management. I currently serve on the City’s Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee, as well as the SEDCOR Executive Council and Pacific Power Regional Advisory Board.
What does a successful Independence look like in 10 years?
Independence has a history of creating and implementing vision plans, including the current Vision 2040 Plan. This document, and others before it, used an extensive public outreach and engagement process to get input from the community. A successful Independence is making progress on the five focus areas while balancing them against existing operations, programs, and capacity to implement them. I’d like to see a vibrant community with a strong local economy and healthy, active neighborhoods.
League of Women Voters® of Oregon
What are the city’s most urgent needs and goals and how would you address them?
A top priority is to address our growth by understanding our housing needs, pressures on our transportation and infrastructure systems, and to address needs for parks and recreation. The second area is supporting local business and providing pathways for people to start, grow, and sustain a business in our community. Lastly, we need to have a diverse and engaged community where our citizens are represented in local government, civic organizations, and community activities.
How would you strengthen the city's working relationships with the county, the state, and other tax districts on multi-jurisdictional issues like affordable housing, transportation, policing, social services and the economy?
I fully support the City of Independence working with other agencies to better understand and address shared issued. Thankfully, Independence has a strong track record of cooperating with partners which has created positive results for the community. Successful relationships and outcomes can be built on developing clear goals and outcomes to help ensure the time and resources invested will have a worthwhile outcome.
How would you describe the role of the city council/mayor within city government?
I think it’s critical for a City Councilor to understand how cities function and public policy works. We need to understand the policies we currently operate with, how to implement them, and where they are preempted by the state. We can then work with citizens, city officials, the business community, and other government entities to understand if we are meeting the needs of our community and adjust our policies as needed to achieve desired results.
Monmouth-Independence Chamber of Commerce
Why are you running for an elected office and why are you the right person for the position?
I am an experienced leader dedicated to creating livable and sustainable communities, which allows me to use my business, landscape architecture, planning, and natural resource background. I’m passionate about livability issues such as developing thriving main streets, building an entrepreneurial ecosystem, placemaking, parks and recreation, and natural resource management. I currently serve on the City’s Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee, as well as the SEDCOR Executive Council and Pacific Power Regional Advisory Board.
What is your vision for the community as it relates to businesses and tourism?
I’m a strong advocate for supporting our local business owners and providing pathways for people to start, grow, and sustain a business in our community. Access to good jobs in our community will help make sure we have economic vitality, are more resilient, and keep talent here in our community. I support tourism activities as an economic driver, as part of a larger economic network with multiple opportunities for businesses.
What will bring our community to the next level?
I believe developing a culture of innovation will lead to more creativity for our community and will expand available opportunities for our citizens. I’d like to see this start with our youth, so that we are creating avenues for people to get engaged in the community early. We are also fortunate to have WOU here, with multiple opportunities to engage students and faculty in the community and to create learning opportunities for our residents.
How you can help
Make a donation.
Donations benefit Friends of Kate Schwarzler and help offset campaign expenses.